
Please read this carefully.

We take the responsibility of looking after your personal data very seriously.

This policy shows how we take the utmost care to ensure that your data is safe and secure with us so that you can be confident shopping on The Handy Shop

We also explain how we use your data to provide you with our services.

What this policy covers.

The The Handy Shop website is operated by ourselves and our address is 115 Lakeside Drive, Plymouth, PL5 2SL

This policy explains how we may use information we collect about you, as well as your rights over any personal information we hold about you.

Please read this policy, together with the Terms and Conditions carefully as by accessing the website you confirm to have understood and agreed to them.

What personal information we collect about you.

We collect information about you when you:

visit the site. register an account on the site. buy, or attempt to buy, products on the site. upload your photographs to the site. take part in promotions, competitions, customer surveys and questionnaires. contact customer services in any way. Depending on how you use our services the types of information we collect may include:

Your name Your email address Your password Your location Your billing address(es) Your shipping address(es) or the stores(s) where you opt to collect orders Your phone number(s)

Your images or other content you upload to the site Whether or not you agree to marketing emails Details about 3rd parties that you share with us such as the name, address and telephone number of someone you send an order to

Information about how you use the site – like which pages you visit Information about what you order and when and how you order Correspondence between you and us

This is an indicative list only and other personal information may be collected from time to time.

How and why we use your personal data.

Collecting your personal information helps us to better understand what you need from us. We only collect the information necessary for us to provide you with our services.

We use your information to:

manage and improve the site. personalise and provide our services to you. process your orders manage promotions, competitions, customer surveys and questionnaires.

How we use and keep your images.

We only use your images to print items that you order from us and we do not keep them for any longer than necessary (see “Retention of your personal data”). We take the utmost care to ensure that your images are kept safe at all times and are only shared with colleagues who need them to either print any items that you order or to provide customer service to you.

Retention of your personal data. Any images that you send will be kept for no more than 10 days if you do not go ahead and order the item(s) you have designed. If you order an item then your images will be retained for long enough for us to reprint your order in case of a problem such as a quality or delivery issue.

Other personal information relating to your account and your orders will be retained so that we can provide you with customer support.

How we share personal data with our service providers.

Our products are produced for you by us. We only share the information that they need to purchase items. For example, SUMUP .

How we protect your personal data.

We ensure that the trust you place in us is reflected in the protection we provide when storing your data. We have implemented appropriate administrative, technical and physical processes to safeguard your personal data. We regularly review our processes to ensure they meet our high standards.

How we use cookies and similar technologies.

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your personal computer, mobile or other device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognises that cookie. We use cookies to improve the service that we provide to you. For example we use cookies:

to personalise your visit and to enable you to use some of the features of the improve the way in which the site works by allowing us to understand how you use the site. These cookies collect mostly anonymous data that is aggregated across all visitors to the measure the effectiveness of the emails we send you and our online advertising. For example we use cookies to tell us if you have opened emails that we have sent you or if you have seen a specific advert. You can use your browser settings to manage cookies. The ‘help’ menu of most browsers will tell you how to adjust your cookie preferences. However, if you decide to disable cookies used on The HANDY Shop you may find that the site does not operate as intended.

Your rights.

To obtain a copy of the information that we hold about you please email :

If any of the details we hold about you are incorrect please let us know and we will amend them.

Updates to this policy.

This policy replaces all previous versions and is correct as of 22nd March 2022. We reserve the right to change this policy at any time and will keep it up to date so please visit this page again to check for the latest version.